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I'm Sabbiu - interested in building things. I work as a full stack developer with an expertise in frontend. I engineer solutions that are scalable, robust and reusable.

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ReactJSNextJSAmazon CognitoAmazon API GatewayAmazon DynamoDBAWS Lambda

A web application with serverless architecture to practice nepali unicode typing. It supports both romanized and traditional keyboard layouts. It contains byte-sized lessons that helps to improve users typing accuracy and speed.


An online learning platform where a collaborator can create courses and events. Learners are able to join course. The streaming of the live events are handled through jitsi.

ReactJSTypescriptReduxRedux ObservableAmazon AthenaCubeJSAmazon Cognito

A web application with serverless architecture where user is able to see visualization from the Ads campaign they have created. All the Ads data were stored as csv in the S3 bucket. The query was handled through CubeJS API and Athena.


A web application where a user can share any online courses they found helpful. The courses can be filtered by categories. People can comment their opinion of the course.


A Web Application to help a cooperative on finance space manage day to day operations from any platform. It includes account management, deposits and withdrawals, interest calculations, as well as full transaction logs of every action performed for audit purposes.

ReactJSReduxRedux ObservableDjangoPostgreSQLReact NativeExpo

An android and iOS application, where a user accumulates reward points whenever s/he purchases a product or the purchases is done by referee with the business connected to this app and those points can be used to get discount. Each user is assigned a unique qr code. All the transactions of user can be seen in the web dashboard.

ReactJSReduxRedux ThunkDjangoPostgreSQL

A Web Based System that helps restaurant to automate ordering, bill generation, inventory usage, customer relationship. It integrates seamlessly with multiple waiter robot which takes and delivers orders from customers. It also stores full cashier history and generates beautiful analytics.

React NativeReduxRedux Thunk

A 5,000+ downloads with 4.5 stars rated mobile application that helps small businesses to generate bills according to the purchases done by their customers. Bills can be exported and shared as pdf & excel.

PythonFlaskOWLSPARQLMachine LearningWebSocketAngularJS

A Chat Plugin that is easily integrable with websites, where a computer program responds to a user query regarding that website. It was able to respond with 80% accuracy. The knowledge is generated using semantic web technology & web scraping.

MatlabImage ProcessingMachine Learning

Project based on Image Processing and AI that is capable for detecting some predefined objects. It uses SIFT for feature extraction, K-means clustering for clustering similar features and on its Bag of Words using SVM classifier for the classification of images.


A Web Visualization Portal with 4700+ datasets, categorized over 13 sections covering various sectors that shows demographic, economic and social trends of Nepal since 1950. It allows user to interact with and visualize the data in tabular, graph, chart and map format. This portal has also been integrated in The National Planning Commission's Sustainable Development Goals Platform.

LuaCorona SDK

A 2D endless android game where a player has to avoid obstacle in the path of a flying balloon.


A fun and challenging endless runner game where a player has to jump from one plank to other and avoid from falling into a hole.

C Programming

A single & multi-player ping pong game where a player has to strike a ball with a paddle in order to win the game.